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Title: IoT based Weather Monitoring System using Arduino UNO
Authors: Sharma, Abhay
Shukla, Shailendra [Guided by]
Keywords: Internet of things
Weather monitoring system
Arduino UNO
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.
Abstract: This project predominantly combines by the two-study fields-based control systems and data gathering technique, to create a large database system depending on the employed attributes to generate the presented data. The main things here have been chosen based on the sensors that are used wildly to build the system to design an efficacious weather monitoring project. The recommended sensors are used here to measure and gather the Temperature and Humidity data. • Weather Monitoring proposes of a system that monitors weather in real time over a mobile application. • This very low cost or cheaper platform for joining all these electronic devices and different types of sensors by using the internet network is provided by Arduino UNO. • Recording weather which can be easily monitored remotely with the help of Arduino UNO via Internet of Things is the main intention of the work. This will provide users a simpler, reliable and speedy way to monitor weather and other parameters of the environment.
Appears in Collections:B.Tech. Project Reports

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