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Title: Micro-Doppler Signatures based Target Recognition using Time Frequency Analysis Tools
Authors: Sharma, Deepak
Shubham, Abhinav
Sharma, Sunil Datt [Guided by]
Keywords: Micro-Doppler signature
Radar system
Time-frequency analysis
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P.
Abstract: Micro-Doppler signature analysis play an important role for target recognition such as, fixed target, vibrating target, moving human, vehicle etc. Therefore, various signal processing based methods have been reported for target recognition. Recently, joint time-frequency analysis methods such as, Short time Fourier transform (STFT), Stockwell transform (ST), have been applied for target recognition In this work, we have applied STFT, ST, and Covariance based modified S-transform for analysis of fixed target, vibrating target. STFT and ST have been applied for analysis of human motion only. The performance of Covariance based S-transform method has been compared with STFT and Stockwell transform.
Description: Enrolment No. 131042, 131046
Appears in Collections:B.Tech. Project Reports

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