Browsing by Author Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Association Mining based Study for Identification of Clinical Parameters Akin to DiabetesKapil, Shruti; Thakur, Shagun; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2011Cancer Cache: a cancer data warehouse and pattern identification toolArora, Priyanka; Pant, Shradha; Naik, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2014Development of Patient Care Model Corresponding to Indian HospitalsSingh, Shivani; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2012Development of Warehouse Image Processing and Applying Mining Techniques for Pattern Identification of Brain TumorSood, Meemansa; Vijayavargia, Poorvika; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2011Devor: a data warehouse for microbesPal, Tarun; Chaturvedi, Anant; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2011EnClass: a data warehouse of enzymes and WRF based tool for hierarchical classification of enzymesSaxena, Pranshu; Sood, Neha; Naik, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2014Impact of Social Networking Sites on HealthcareBohra, Shivangi; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2011Relative Binding Affinity of Anti-Tubulin Agents with Beta-Tubulin IsoformsJagga, Anu; Kumar, Mehak; Naik, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]
2011Structural Differences Between the Cell Division Proteins, Tubulin and FTSZ: reveal opportunities for potential lead identificationGupta, Shreya; Panwar, Manvi; Naik, Pradeep Kumar [Guided by]; Sengupta, Dipankar [Guided by]